

Q1: Forgotten Password?
Go to the login page and select Forgot your Password?
It will then take you to a page where you will need to enter your email address and click submit (this email address must be the address used to register on the website otherwise it will not recognise your account).
The system will automatically send you a temporary password to the email address. You can then use this password to login in and then go into the MY Account section and change the password to something that you will remember.

Q2: How to add items to cart?

You need to update the quantity box beside the selected item and click 'add to cart button'. A message will pop up at the top of the page stating "Successfully added selected Product(s) to the cart"
You must select "add to cart" prior to leaving the page that has selected items on it for the items to be added to the shopping cart. The system will not remember the quantity of products selected over many pages/categories.
Alternatively click into each product (1 by 1) to see the label image and update the quantity box there.

Q3: How to delete items from the Shopping cart?

You can delete items from the shopping cart by pressing the red X at the end of the item. To do this, go into the shopping cart (click shopping cart at the top of the screen) then select the item you want to delete by clicking the red X button at the end of each item.
Alternatively, there is an EDIT button on the last page of the checkout area before you confirm the order that enables you to change amounts or delete etc.

Q4: How to change the quantity of item?

You can change the quantity box by pressing the BLUE REFRESH button at the end of the item. To do this, go into the shopping cart (click shopping cart at the top of the screen) then select the item quantity you want to change by updating the amount and clicking the blue button at the end of each item.
Alternatively, there is an EDIT button on the last page of the checkout area before you confirm the order that will allow you to update quantiy and delete items.

Q5: How to set up a website account to order on the web:
Go to the LOGIN PAGE to register your details and create a website account. (You need to input your contact details including a valid email address, plus you need to create a password for your website account).
Next time you Log In just go to the existing website account area to enter your e-mail address and password.

Q6: Shopping cart holding items?

The shopping cart will hold all items in the cart until an order has been submitted. This helps if you are half way through an order and need to log out or your computer crashes and the information is saved (don’t have to re-enter everything). So when you log in again the items are still in the cart. You can delete items from the shopping cart by pressing the red X.


Copyright © 2025 New Zealand Colour Labels Ltd -Plant label images/pictures remain the property of NZ Colour Labels